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Search fields of our Batch #5 

Together with our use case partners, we identified 5 search fields for the batch #5. Each holds great potential to shape the future of energy and infrastructure and deserves our focused attention in the form of open innovation and co-creation. Get to know all the search fields and apply until xx.

Recycling of wind turbine blades

After around two decades, wind turbines have served their purpose and will no longer be in use. How the blades consisting of fiberglass and resin are subsequently recycled remains a field of great innovation potential. Therefore we are looking for startups and tech-champions with solutions for the recycling of duromers or innovative new materials that can be used for turbine blades enabling future recycling and supporting an circular approach.

Keywords: #recycling #turbineblades #circulareconomy

Corporate Partners: VERBUND

We look down on a wind turbine against a blue sky.

Drone systems for perimeter protection

The aim of this searchfield is to enhance security in the perimeter space, which is the area between fences and operational facilities/sites by implementing a system to monitor the area and detect any unauthorized access or trespassing by thieves or robbers in real-time.
Therefore, we are looking for innovative solutions of autonomous drones without GPS that are equipped with image recognition capabilities.

Keywords: #drones #autonomousdrones #perimeterprotection

Corporate Partners: VERBUND Services GmbH

A view from above of a large-scale photovoltaic system. The solar park is surrounded by lush greenery. Small picturesque villages can be seen in the background.

Predictive load management for charging points

For our charging points we are looking for solutions that provide (near) real-time monitoring and predictions (short, medium, longterm) for charging pole occupancy and expected power consumption. In addition, we are keen to access supplementary data on charging behavior, encompassing factors like charging duration and volume, to enable the creation of precise load profiles for each charging session. Furthermore, in the long run we are interested in strategies for load shifting between charging points to optimize energy distribution and enhance grid stability.

Keywords: #predictiveanalytics #demandforecasting #loadmanagement

Corporate partners: VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH

Alternative forms of renewable energy generation

The corporate partners, Austrian Post and Wienerberger Group both currently operate an extensive network of hundreds of locations and are actively expanding their electric vehicle (EV) fleets and electrifying their production lines. The aim is to secure a sustainable energy supply for both their facilities and the expanding electric vehicle (EV) fleet. The companies are looking for alternative and innovative solutions for renewable energy generation that go beyond conventional photovoltaic (PV) systems. These alternative solutions encompass a wide array of possibilities, such as energy-generating window or facade foils, harnessing wind energy, innovative roofing tiles, and similar groundbreaking technologies, also based on gravity or hydropower.

Keywords: #alternativeenergy #renewableenergy #innovativepv #microwind

Corporate PartnersPost AGWienerberger

A VERBUND employee stands in front of a photovoltaic system with a laptop in her hand.

Location-optimized energy management

The corporate partners currently operate an extensive network of hundreds of locations. They are actively expanding their electric vehicle (EV) fleets, electrifying their production lines and expanding their own energy generation plants. To efficiently operate such a virtual power plant or micro grid, they recognize the need for a holistic and location-specific energy management solution.

We are looking for a holistic energy management solution to efficiently manage virtual power plants or micro grids at the different sites of our corporate partners. This solution comprises systematic monitoring and forecasting of energy consumption and generation, load management, as well as planning and implementation of structural measures for the (long-term) optimization of the energy system by managing consumption, generation and storage. Moreover, it will facilitate the integration into energy markets, enabling to leverage economic benefits from flexibility and energy trading opportunities. Additionally, this solution will empower with fleet management capabilities, predictive load management of charging stations and with electrification of production and logistic chains. The solution should also consider the assessment of regulated grid costs to avoid expensive peaks and distribution grid integration.

Keywords: #energymanagement #microgrid #flexibility

Corporate PartnersPost AGWienerbergerMagna Powertrain and VERBUND AG

Predictive maintenance for wind turbines

Down times of wind turbines account for a significant part of operation and maintenance costs. Hence, in order to economically optimize the operation of wind turbines, down time reduction is crucial for a successful operation and maintenance strategy. Predictive, data-driven maintenance strategies possess the potential of reducing down times and thereby can contribute to significantly improve the performance of wind turbines. Furthermore, such data-driven approaches are able to support operation and maintenance teams in planning maintenances and repairs more efficiently. Moreover, technical evaluation of turbines can also be improved with advanced data analytics. Therefore, we are looking for solutions that are based on advanced analytics using SCADA and status data, additional sensorics, digital twins or machine algorithms.

Keywords: #predictivemaintenance #wind #datadriven #digitaltwin

Corporate Partner: VERBUND Green Power GmbH

The picture shows a small wind farm at dusk.

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